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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Catapults

What I tell of is a tragedy that comes from reality
It sure holds some gravity,
As each syllable is uttered, my mind gets some more clarity

The troops were ready,
The horns were steady
The spears were so fierce,
With flesh to be seared
Gold plated armors
No more did they look- ordinary farmers
And just so you know,
It’s not a brainstormer

The general had shouted,
The armies had mounted
Few even now were wounded
The faces were clenched
Soon the whole place would be - scarlet drenched
The armies were face to face
Each wanted to smash other with his mace
There were Towns to be razed
Leave behind no trace,
Of any living race

It’s hard to understand
Which part of earth is their homeland?
It’s becoming a trend,
To outstand,
The enemies that go out of hand
The swords of knights shone like the angry sun
And soon outshone the original one
Within minutes the damage was done

The steeds neighed over corpse strewn mud
Then there came a joyous flood with prized studs
Rejoicing the victory over the blood


  1. Awesome!!
    It's got great rap like rhythm, and really strong anti war emotions... long and short of it is- it rocks

  2. the story behind every war.. Rejoicing the victory over the blood... And the troops see their victory and not the dead bodies drenched in blood below their smiling face. and i remember the words from the song zombie "when the violence causes silence, we must be mistaken."
    It all remains in your head even after the passing of years.

  3. though I made lots of faces while reading through :)yet twas a nice read !
    m amazed dat how do u come up wid all these war-o-drama, armour nd combat stories , but I definitely luk forward for more !

    gud show :))

  4. i would be interested in knowing what kind of faces you made. Thanks there is another one coming up. :)
